Saturday, February 10, 2007


To all my regular readers,first of all please allow me to apologise for a no update here on my blog.Ushering the new year has certainly left me bogged down with so much to do.Typical when you have to run a business and do everything yourself.

To make matters worse,i forgot my password to log in...shameful kan?Anyyyyway......

Lets see...
i've been busy with the gym,renewing memberships,licences etc.Been asked to be interviewed for the papers (KOSMO) and asked to be on a talk show called "OGY & SALLEH" to talk about my experience as a bodybuilder and my career etc.

Been having meetings after meetings to set up a new society.Yes it is related to bodybuilding and fitness.More news to come on that topic later.

Now,since it's past the 1 month mark for my 3rd photo update, i figured i may as well update it come month 4 ,making that segment TOTAL REBUILD part 3 instead. Now i'm not trying to
make excuses but the whole month that i've been busy,i haven't been able to stay focused with my diet when you lot see my next set of pics,don't be surprised to see very little or no improvements ok??

Oh,another thing...this coming March 10th is the Australian Bodybuilding Grand Prix held in Melbourne and Wong Hong will be competing in it.From what i understand,Wong,Syed Fazli and myself will be sponsored for this trip to Oz by the chairman of the society i mentioned earlier.Sweet music isn't it??

Wong will compete as he is already an IFBB pro while Syed and me will be there to support Wong and also to establish contacts etc for the future planning for the society's activities.

Well that's been pretty much what's been happening on my side lately.Of course i will be updating my pictures too soon so hang in there folks.

Till i post again.......

1 comment:

moggie said...

yo, terry! looking good, muscleman. hope you start posting again soon. take care!

andy paul.