Mr.Malaysia 2009 is finally over! Having to push through the intense training and strict dieting day in day out for 7 months is finally at an end. However this does not mean it's over for is just the begining! I will be taking a short break from the daily regime just to heal and rest up my battered body then get back into the groove of things.Afterall, I have 2010 to look forward to and to redeem myself. Next year, Mr.Malaysia will be held in Penang and to be very honest, I wouldn't want to miss it for anything.
Anyways, I came in 2nd in the Heavyweight class at this year's Mr.Malaysia and to be quite honest I was pleased with what I've achieved thus far. After being out of competition for 6 years, I had quite a difficult time getting to know my body was like trying to balance a scale with sand on each side just to hit equilibrium. To make matters worse, I had to go tear a damn hamstring/adductor muscle and doctors told me to basically forget about any plans of competing as I sustained a 3rd degree simple english, a very bad tear!!!
This comeback was nothing short of pleasant with loads of excitement to boot. As my 40th birthday was a week before this show, 17th of July, I basically had to forego any plans of celebrating and scoffing my face with food and booz. But you know what?! All the waiting was worth it!!!

I made a comeback and placed 2nd after a 6 year hiatus, had my friends fly in from Australia, friends and gym members drove down to Johor from Kuala Lumpur, had friends drive in from Singapore, had Awie and his crew come support me at the show and the climax of it all had to be when my girlfriend showed up too!!! How sweet is that?! It get's better...when my turn came to step on stage, I received such overwhelming response from the audience where people were chanting "TERRY...TERRY...TERRY.." to the point my adrenaline rush was off the scale. Even the judges turned around to look at what I would call "RAISING DA' ROOF"! What an experience.... I just don't have the words to describe my feelings that Sunday afternoon.
After all that excitement, all of us adjourned to our respective rooms to get ready for a night out somewhere near The Zone. Our private lil' party continued with a lot of food and drinks, a post competition, reunion come belated birthday party if you may. From food to beers to more food and more beers topped off with jokes and more jokes to the point where everyone were left in stitches. 

You know folks, my 40th birthday turned out nothing short of fabulous!!! I celebrated it with a huge bang by way of making a competitive comeback and not doing too shabby either, having my friends from all over the place come support me and the migration back to Malaysia by my wonderful girlfriend who was by my side every step of the way.
To those out there that did not get a chance to watch the Mr.Malaysia yet supported me and my cause, A WARM AND HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!!! I wouldn't have had the strength to pull through if not for all the love and support I received from everyone.