So , a buddy of mine actually told me that i can start a forum anytime for FREE!!! Of course you'd have some limitations to the whole program BUT SO WHAT?!
The important thing is that we have our own forum where people can come and get information on fitness and bodybuilding related topics to buying supplements or gym equipments , or where to hire a personal trainer to which gyms provide good services or even highlights on events,when and where etc.
Next thing you know , PROBUFFEDBODIES was born!Although we are fairly new but there are lots of good topics and posts related to just about anything you need to know about exercising ,diet and nutrition plus MORE!!!
PROBUFFEDBODIES is predominantly in English , but because I believe that there are many who would wish to interact but are too shy due to their poor command of English , I have actually started threads in the forum in Bahasa Malaysia.
Hopefully OUR forum will one day be a leading cyber sanctuary for many Malaysians , who share the same interest , seeking answers.
Well folks...apa tunggu lagi , jom join forum kami ni!

Hi Terry.. i promote the forum inmy blog as well for others to join.
Syukur thanks a lot buddy! Any help is better than none lol!
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