Not too long ago , a buddy of mine , Ali Amini from the Kingdom of Bahrain came to Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia for his honeymoon.It was his first time to Malaysia and Wong Hong - IFBB pro bodybuilder and myself played host to this fine gentleman.
He , despite being on a holiday here , was kind enough to actually offer Wong , me and my gym members a free seminar on nutrition and training for FREE!!!
Who is Ali Amini? Well , at only 28 years of age , Ali is a very knowledgeable guy when it comes to topics related to bodybuilding nutrtrition and training.He has helped guys like Sami al Haddad of Bahrain (PDI pro) , Wong Hong (IFBB pro) , Ali Tabrizi (IFBB amateur World Champion) and many others from the Gulf region get ready for their competitions.
We made sure that Ali and his wife was treated to some good ol' fashioned Malaysian hospitality , and mind you , they were so impressed that he is making it a point to come back to Malaysia for more visits in the near future.And who knows...he may yet throw in another free seminar at the one and only ULTIMATE GYM!!!
Below are some of the pics taken at my gym....good turnout despite such short notice!
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