Anyways , an old buddy of mine just flew in from Oz for a vacation and business trip and we have been hanging out a lot and partying the last few days.Feels like it's been going on for weeks now hahahaa!!! Talk about timing , my buddy Dave , also a biker, came bang on the same time Malaysia was playing host to the AIME bike fest.
It was a four day event that started on the 18th till the 21st of Oct 2007.The organisers did a great job too.There were two separate custom bike build-offs , one for the locals located at KL Tower where there were hundreds of custom bikes , booz , concerts and even a drag racing demo...pretty much like what you would see being done in the states.Of course we didn't have the tits and asses parading around hahahaa! The government would shut the organisers down if that happened.
Then there was the International custom build-offs held in KLCC convention centre.There were booths from various bike dealers,custom air-brush painters,classic bikes,t-shirt and merchandise stalls just like you would see at a CEMA car show in the states.Pretty impressive to say the least.
Now of course , the best part was that the whole of Jalan P.Ramlee where all the clubs are located, were closed to traffic.Only bikers were allowed in.It was estimated that there were at least 10,000 people there that night....right from Espanda at the corner right up to Passions at the end of the street.Was just a sea of people and bikes.
My group , the HeadHunters mc were having a gala time...Jack Daniels sponsored us bottles like it was going out of fashion hahahahaa.All other bike groups showed up too...fellas from Thailand,Indonesia,Singapore and some flew in from overseas.We all partied really hard , as bikers would , with the help of some Jack Danials of course heheheeh!
Then there were the judges that were flown in specially to judge the International custom bikes.What a bunch!Of course my idol bike builder was there too ...Russel Mitchell of ExileCycles !Cool dude!Former model/actor turned bike builder from England now resides and runs his bike building business in the states.I managed to get a few pics with him and hung out talking some bullshit...great experience coz i've always loved his creations and finally had the opportunity to meet the mastermind himself..here...in KL...my own backyard wohoo!!!
There were guys doing burnouts out on the street , from japanese superbikes to Harleys....and as usual , my fellow bikers would be out there making their presence known.One fella did a burnout and burnt his clutch the other broke his drive belt.Talk about short orgasm with a fat bill hahahahaa!!! Those guys had to get the bikes fixed the next day and it would have costed them..oooh , i'd say several grand hehehe!
Sunday, we were told that we still had something like 24 bottles of Jack that HAD to be finished!!! Woahhhh....cannot tahan anymore already la! I was pooped already and could hardly stand upright and my mate Dave , well he zonked out by 10pm...24 bottles more? Noooo freakin way...i scrambled off by midnite to save myself , my kidneys and my liver hahahahaaaa!!!
Still recuperating till today...erm..2 days gone pass and still damn tired.Dave is too hahahahaa!!!
So that was pretty much what went down over the weekend and there's a couple more events to go to these few days.Wonder if my mate Dave is up yet.I should go pester him now.Make his stay so memorable it won't be funny anymore hahahahaa!!!!
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