So OK folks,don't laugh when you see this update.I know some of you have been waiting for some progress pictures of myself for quite sometime now.
Well like i mentioned earlier,I was bogged down with work and some old injuries which prevented me from focusing on my training.Work seems to have smoothen out a bit but injuries still plaguing me like some stubborn rash although it is slightly better now.
So lets see....i actually started training again about two weeks ago and have not started dieting strictly yet....don't know when that will happen hahahahahaa!!!
I'm still weighing in at about 125kgs but as you can see in the pictures,I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom hehehehe!!!
Right...feel free to critic what you see but don't be too harsh on me OK? ;)
Later guys!
Boom boom boom boom! Someone's comin' along just fine! Keep it up Terry, you're a constant inspiration. My training has improved my leaps and bounds ever since i met you in person. Must be something magical about your gym...heh... every person who goes in there seems to come out bigger the next few weeks.
Thanks Chris....love it when people say they have made progress after coming to ULTIMATE GYM ;)...keep the progress goin ok?
hey there, terry. am lovin' those arms. and them traps look really great in the last pic! keep up the good work. you're looking FIERCE!
Hey LV...thanks for the comment.I'll definitely try to improve my condition.Hate being out of shape LOL!Btw...i gotta find a way to have the people commenting to post their pics in my blog one day hehehee! ;)
Terry, what smooth? what bf are u at?12%? or maybe less? your seratus and abs are not that soft...and HOLY COW LAD spread..haha.man!!...eh tunjuk u punya wheels la..kasi flex sikit...ok mate, looking good for " out of shape" ....man cant wait to see u on stage again..take care.
LOL thanks Brian.As you know la...bodybuilders suffer from a disease of "always not enough" syndrome LOL!Thats why in my eyes i consider myself still a fatso LOL! Ok wheels...coming soon!!! ;)
alrite terry. i'll keep me eyes open for some of em' legs eh ;-)
U sure have bulked up since the last time I saw you which must have been a couple of weeks ago. Sorry la haven't been to gym for so long. Been out of town mostly. In Kampar for a week and Penang for another shooting my scenes for the movie Kinta 1881 which is tentativel scheduled for release in November. Make sure you catch it. Great fights and beautiful women. And Patrick Teoh smoking opium pipe. Now that's worth the price of a ticket.
You have been branded a "Tai Ko" by all the local movie directors LOL!Keep us posted on the progress of your new movie ok Pat?See you back in the gym soon ;)
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