So here's a picture of me doing a back lat spread taken a few months ago (off season shape).
As some of you already know ,end of 2003 was my last outing (SEA Games held in Vietnam) and since then i've been out of competition mode due to other commitments.
As of late,i've been watching a few forums on the net and following the progress of some of my friends who are still in competition mode and ...IT HAS GOTTEN ME ALL FIRED UP AGAIN!
I must say that i'm quite envious of their achievements.Some have already turned pro...and here i am still an amateur...SIGH!
Well,now that i'm all fired up to compete again,i'm gonna try and obtain a pro card this time around.It's gonna be pretty hard but i'm gonna give it one more last shot at getting my pro card from the IFBB(International Federation of Bodybuilding)...and if they turn down my application ,then i'd very likely turn to PDI (Pro Division Incorporated) which is a very new federation.Lets see what crops up from these federations first.
I've already started preparing for 2007's schedule.Intense training started on the 13th of November 2006 and i plan to keep the momentum going till competition day (yet to be confirmed).So from now on,i will be keeping a photo journal of my progress ,perhaps on a monthly basis.
So ,keep visiting my blog on a regular basis to see what's going on here and maybe leave comments on my progress ...hehehehee!
Till i post more..pics and all....Adios peeps!
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