This year,i plan on improving the cardio range in my fitness centre.I'm looking at the possibility of getting tredmills and perhaps the elipticle cycle.You may be wondeing why i didn't get them from the very start.The answer is rather simple.Majority of my members here don't use them.I had a treadmill put in before and all they did was take a couple of strides on it and walked away saying "nahhhh...not for me!"What a blow as it cost money to buy them and in the end ,members don't want to use it,hahahaa.For this year though, i will be targetting more clients who wants more of the cardio range rather than free weights and machines...mainly the women...coz you all know...where there's honey,there will be bees heheheehe!

Ok, so what makes Ultimate Gym so different?Simple! Because i'm not a huge establishment,therefore i'm able to give my clients more attention. Plus , with almost 2 decades of experience behind me , both theory and practicle...well mostly practicle, i practice what i preach , and i know for a fact that i'm more qualified than a majority of instructors out there in the fitness industry today.

You're probably thinking that i must charge an arm and a leg for my services after reading my comments above.Quite the contrary .I will provide and continue providing all my gym members with adequate facilities and added services like proper weight training ,diet and nutrition councelling etc.,as long as they need my services and of course, as long as they are still my paying customer, all of which is included in the gym fees that they pay every month.How cool is that???!

Right,to give everyone a clearer picture,here are my typical rates.
That's all you need to pay.....of course i have other packages for those who wish to pay in advance , usually they will receive discounts.Not too shabby right??? Well folks....if any of you out there , in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia ,of course,plans to get in shape , don't hesitate to look me up at Ultimate Gym - "no other like it!"
wahhh.. student fee just rm50 je ek.. bagus2... tapikan susah la kalau x de orang ajar.. pergi sorang2 pastu blur tak tau nak buat apa.. :-p
Ammi dont worry sbb i akan bagi free training lesson utk cover semua bodypart so u akan tau cara2 nak buat.
i want to know if the price rate is still same..and want to know if student finished-school can get student rate
Anonymous please see recent blog for updates at http://gallyot.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html
Hi, i would like to know if you provide daily basis fee? sebab .. waktu kerja tak menentu sgt and.. fully commitment is a bit hard for me.
Yes we do, it's RM10 per entry. Look at my newer posts and there will be a list of items explained. TQ.
can girl join too???? but same as ammi's situation....bile sorg2 nih blur xtau nak start y mana satu...plus when looking at the guys y work out...rase mcm patah smngt....im trying to fit up my body...nak build muscle tpi kene marah ngn kawan..but seriously really wanna try
Just come! You won't know how much you can achieve until you try.
saya cuti sebulan n berminat nak join..tapi selalunye saya hanya buat treadmill...yg lain jrg n kdgkala tak berani nak cuba...so boleh kan kalu ke sini?
how much if daily payment..?becoz im only wanna use 3 times per week..
Walk in rates = RM10 per entry.
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