Back in 1995 , I was introduced by the great Ade Rai of Indonesia to Mr Lou Zwick of American Sports Network, the very same person who created the world coveted natural bodybuilding show called Musclemania.I was aesthetic when the president of American Sports Network(ASN) himself called me.We had long chats about how he wanted to expand his shows to Asia and wanted me involved with this project.
Well , after many years of obstacles , finally Musclemania made its way to the shores of Malaysia,October 9th 2004.It was a moment of joy to many bodybuilders in this region.With hopes of making a name for themselves in the international bodybuilding scene , many of these wishful thinking bodybuilders came to participate.This first show did pretty well despite the many obstacles we had from the local bodybuilding association.
Now , the president of ASN had his show in Asia , packed his bags and went back to the US of A , to sell his program to ESPN , something which he has promised even our Sports Minister that this show will be featured on air.After waiting for almost a year , NOTHING! And that's not all.The winners of their respective classes were not awarded their prizes either.It doesn't stop there.The events company that I was working with to organise this show was not even paid whatever balance outstanding.
When asked , the president gave all sorts of excuses why he didn't want to pay up.Eventually the events company was so fed up that they wrote the outstanding balance off as bad debts , the athletes on the other hand , decided to no longer associate themselves with Musclemania.They were sentenced to two years suspension by the local bodybuilding federation for their participation in the Musclemania Asia show.A big slap from both sides.Everyone felt robbed , especially me.
I stuck my neck out for this show , thinking that this would be a great business venture and to help promote my favourite sport to reach the masses.BOY WAS I DEAD WRONG!
Today , I have severed all ties with Mr.Lou Zwick of ASN for the stunt he pulled.I'm also serving an indefinite suspension from my association for aiding the events company to host this show.
These two bodybuilding association turns out to be rivals for a long time.Me helping the events company that was handling ASN's show was a major blow for me simply because i'm now caught inbetween their politics.
In the end , the biggest loser out of this all is ME.What to do? Write an appeal letter to my association explaining my situation and hopefully they grant me leniency on this matter.
Why don't I compete in Musclemania? Never!Not after the shit i've seen coming from Mr Zwick.Its no wonder many of the champs of Musclemania left.A lesson to be learnt by me I guess.I will still continue to pump iron.Afterall it is my passion to workout hard even though I may no longer compete.Whatever it is , being stuck inbetween their politics suck big time.
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