ME (right) before - 1986.......and after (top) in 1999 when i won MR ASIA (heavyweight).How many times have you heard people saying "I HAVE NO TIME!" or "NO MONEY!" or "I'M TOO OLD LAH!" when asked to join a gym to exercise and stay fit? Probably 8 out of 10 times if you ask me.
To answer some of these questions....well , one only needs about 45 minutes perhaps 3-4 times a week to get into shape.No money for gym fees?At ULTIMATE GYM , it only costs RM90 monthly...thats like spending RM3 only each day.You'd probably blow that RM3 on other stuff anyways so why not spend it for your health?Then there's that "I'M TOO OLD LAH!" statement.What a crock of shit!!!You are never too old for anything!I've trained guys well into their 70's and they have made positive progress.Heck!One 73 year old guy outlifts the teenages even!!!
I guess at the end of the day , it all boils down to whether you want to do it or not.Hopefully the mentallity of Malaysians will shift to a more positive direction in the years to come.Afterall , it is their own health thats at stake.
Go figure!
For many Malaysians , exercising to stay healthy seems such a chore.Instead , many prefer to "lepak" at stalls or coffee joints rather than improving on one's health and fitness.
Saying that , i guess many are switching to gym activities slowly yet surely.There's a huge market for the fitness industry in Malaysia as you see numerous gyms popping up everywhere like mushrooms.They provide clients with high end equipments and coaching services...all for a price!!!
Yup , basically you will have to pay through your nose just to be a member of such establishments , and mind you , coaching services are another story.It all adds up at the end of the day.
So , where can the avarage joe with limited income go to?
Well , ULTIMATE GYM in Wangsa Maju is the answer.My gym may not be furnished with glossy imported equipments , BUT , one thing is certain tho....anyone can afford the rates we charge here.More importantly , we provide proper training for whatever your objectives may be , by yours truly of course , Terry Gallyot.With almost 19 years of experience backing me , and the rates that i charge , people wonder if i'm for real.Why you ask?Well , the answer is simple.My services are very affordable.Where else can you find a professional enough coach and a decent gym at a very affordable rate? The answer is NO WHERE EXCEPT AT ULTIMATE GYM!!!
So , if you are thinking of getting with the program , then look no further.All the details are on the banner posted with this article.
Greetings and welcome to my blog.First of all,i would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself.
My name is TERRY GALLYOT and was born in the historical city of Malacca,Malaysia on the 17th of July,1969.I’m Eurasian,a mix of French,German,Chinese and Siamese.
As a kid,I have always been fascinated by such powerful physiques owned by bodybuilders that I have seen in magazines and television, and it then dawned upon to look like my idols. Back in 1987, at the age of 17,I decided to start weight training.I have never looked back since and have won numerous bodybuilding titles from state to national and even international levels.
Then, in 1991,i accomplished yet another one of my ambitions,and that was to own my own gym,hence the establishment of ULTIMATE GYM.Here,I offer proper programs and facilities to all my clients,whatever their objectives may be. As to where will I be a few years from now?To turn pro and promote my own bodybuilding shows not forgetting,expanding ULTIMATE GYM.
Have a fun filled tour of my site,
Yours Truly
1999 Heavyweight Mr. Asia.